Canadian Culture
This week’s theme is about the Canadian history.
The first link is an introduction to Canada. Play this link, and then answer the following questions:
- How many provinces are there in Canada?
- Which cities are the capitals of China, United States, and Canada?
- Which is the largest city in Canada?
- What does "CN" in CN Tower stand for?
- Write the meaning of the following words and then place each one in a sentence of your own:
- Landmark,
- adjoins,
- coastal,
- peninsula
Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territory.
Capital City in China is Peigin and
U.S.A is Washington DC and, in Canada is Ottawa
The largest city in Canada is
Toronto with 5,583,064 population .
Toronto, Down Town has CN Tower
(553.33 high) . CN is Canadian National. it is railway cmpany,
and provid service in Canadian and U.S.
landmark means event : the
titanice was the hurrible landmark that i heard in my life.
adjoins means very close: I like to adjoin the community.
coastal :Biritish Colombia is coastal city.