Monday, 11 May 2015

Canadian Culture

This week’s theme is about the Canadian history.
The first link is an introduction to Canada. Play this link, and then answer the following questions:
  1. How many provinces are there in Canada?
  2. Which cities are the capitals of China, United States, and Canada?
  3. Which is the largest city in Canada?
  4. What does "CN" in CN Tower stand for?
  5. Write the meaning of the following words and then place each one in a sentence of your own:
    1. Landmark, 
    2. adjoins, 
    3. coastal, 
    4. peninsula
·        Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territory.          

·        Capital City in China is Peigin and U.S.A is Washington DC and, in Canada is Ottawa                             
·        The largest city in Canada is Toronto with 5,583,064  population .                
·        Toronto, Down Town has CN Tower (553.33 high) . CN  is Canadian National. it is railway  cmpany, and provid service in Canadian and U.S.                  

·        landmark means event :  the titanice was the hurrible landmark that i heard in my life.
·        adjoins means very close: I like to adjoin  the community.

·         coastal :Biritish Colombia is coastal city.

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